In March 2020, ADRF together with other partner organizations in the region, the Agency for Cooperation, Education and Development (ACED) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Balkan Independent Disability Forum, The Center for Independent Living (CIL) in Serbia, the Association of Para and Tetraplegics (SUPCG) in Montenegro, POLIO PLUS in Macedonia and the Information Center for People with Disabilities LOTOS -Tuzla in Bosnia and Herzegovina, funded by EU, has started to implement the Western Balkans Disability Movement for European Integration project, that aims to contribute to democratic stabilization and EU accession of Balkans countries by strengthening the civil society participation in decision and policy making processes at all government levels.

The project intends to strengthen an independent regional framework of disability organizations for harmonization and monitoring of national legislations according to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and results framework indicated in the Guidelines for EU support to civil society in the enlargement countries 2014-2020.

This will be achieved through the interventions that will provide for the (a) promotion of the self-regulatory mechanisms through the preparation of compliance and harmonization reports of the legislation in the field of accessibility, education, employment, social services and participation in the political and public life of the country; (b) encouragement of the cooperation and partnership between the organizations of civil society and national governments for the preparation of guides and recommendations for the harmonization of legislation with the UN CRPD; (c) promotion of the efficient advocacy, supervision, accountability and transparency policies through the establishment of the Parliamentary Lobbying Groups (PLG) in the five countries where the project is being implemented.