In the framework of the implementation of the Albvet Project component on Social Inclusion, the Swiss Contact discussed Swiss approach/model of the “Coaching for Employment Counselling Cycle, C4E” with ADRF and the latter considered it very useful and necessary to promote and facilitate the process of social inclusion of excluded groups, including persons with disabilities, through vocational training and employment. ADRF responded positively to the invitation to be included in the program.
Through this project and cooperation during the period 2010-2014, the following became possible: (a) the involvement in the counselling cycle and support with incentives to attend vocational training courses or to create opportunities for self-employment 29/(13 women) young people with disabilities, out of whom 16/6 women in Elbasan and 13/7 in Tirana; (b) all participants attended vocational training courses, mainly foreign languages, computer, physiotherapy, tailoring, mobile services, computer services, or they carried out internships/work practices in tailoring, car services, NGOs, call centres, etc .; (c ) 80% of the participants in the counselling cycle are employed/self-employed thanks to the involvement and support not only during the implementation of the project but afterwards as well.